The Unarchiver Überblick

The Unarchiver Beschreibung
Das Mac OS-System kann mit der vom Dag ?gren/WAHa.06x36 entworfenen The Unarchiver-Software arbeiten. Verschiedene Dateiformate werden von The Unarchiver unterstützt. The Unarchiver bietet viele nützliche Funktionen und eine einfache Oberfläche, die ein effektives Arbeiten ermöglicht. Der Dag ?gren/WAHa.06x36 arbeitet ständig daran, das The Unarchiver zu verbessern, indem er Updates und Fehlerbehebungen bereitstellt. Die Stabilität und hohe Qualität des Softwarebetriebs wird durch kontinuierliche Updates aufrechterhalten. Benutzer können sich auf einen schnellen technischen Support verlassen, der es ihnen ermöglicht, Softwareprobleme schnell zu lösen
The Unarchiver ist eine Software, mit der Sie mit verschiedenen Dateitypen arbeiten können. 95 ist die Anzahl der Formate, die The Unarchiver unterstützt. Unterstützte Formate sind Dateien mit Anwendungsausgaben, Eingabedatendateien, The Unarchiver-Einstellungsdateien oder Datendateien, die von The Unarchiver verwendet werden.
Dateiendungen, die von The Unarchiver unterstützt werden:
# | Endung | Beschreibung |
1 | .ACE | WinAce Compressed Format |
2 | .ADZ | Compressed Amiga Disk Format |
3 | .ALZ | ALZip Archive |
4 | .ARC | ARC Lossless Data Compression And Archive Format |
5 | .ARJ | ARJ Compressed Format Archive |
6 | .BZ | Bzip Compressed Format |
7 | .BZ2 | Bzip2 Compressed Format |
8 | .BZIP2 | Bzip2 Compressed Archive |
9 | .C00 | WinAce Split Archive Format |
10 | .CAB | Windows Cabinet Format |
11 | .CBR | Comic Book Archive Format Or ComicBook Reader Format |
12 | .CPGZ | Compressed CPIO Archive |
13 | .CPIO | Unix CPIO Archive |
14 | .DD | Doodle C64 Image Format |
15 | .DMS | Disk Masher Image |
16 | .GTAR | GNU Tar Archive |
17 | .GZ | Gnu Zipped Archive |
18 | .GZ2 | Misnamed BZ2 Format |
19 | .GZIP | Gnu Zipped Format |
20 | .HA | HA Compressed Archive |
21 | .HQX | BinHex 4.0 Encoded Format |
22 | .LHA | LHARC Compressed Archive |
23 | .LZH | LZH Compressed Format |
24 | .LZMA | LZMA Compressed Format |
25 | .LZX | Amiga LZX Compressed Format |
26 | .MACBIN | Macbinary Encoded Format |
27 | .PIT | PackIt Compressed Archive |
28 | .R00 | WinRAR Compressed Archive |
29 | .R01 | WinRAR Split Archive Part 1 |
30 | .R02 | WinRAR Split Archive Part 2 |
31 | .R03 | WinRAR Split Archive Part 3 |
32 | .R30 | WinRAR Split Archive Part 30 |
33 | .RAR | WinRAR Compressed Archive |
34 | .RPM | Red Hat Package Manager Format |
35 | .SEA | Self-Extracting Archive |
36 | .SITX | StuffIt X Archive |
37 | .SPK | Synology Package |
38 | .TAR | Consolidated Unix Format Archive |
39 | .TAR.GZ | Compressed Tarball Format |
40 | .TAR.GZ2 | Misnamed BZ2 Tarball |
41 | .TAZ | Tar Zipped Format |
42 | .TBZ | Bzip Compressed Tar Archive |
43 | .TBZ2 | Tar BZip 2 Compressed Format |
44 | .TGZ | Gzipped Tar Format |
45 | .TXZ | XZ Compressed Tar Archive |
46 | .U3P | U3 Smart Application |
47 | .XZ | XZ Compressed Archive |
48 | .Z | Unix Compressed Format |
49 | .Z01 | WinZip First Split Zip Format |
50 | .Z02 | WinZip Second Split Zip Format |
51 | .Z03 | WinZip Third Split Zip Format |
52 | .Z04 | WinZip Fourth Split Zip Format |
53 | .ZIP | Zipped Format |
54 | .ZIPX | Extended Zip Format |
55 | .001 | Split Archive Format |
56 | .002 | Compressed Format From A Multi-volume Archive (part 2) |
57 | .7Z | 7-Zip Compressed Format |
58 | .LHARC | LH ARC Compressed Archive |
59 | .TAR-GZ | Gzip Compressed TAR Archive |
60 | .PART2.RAR | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 2) |
61 | .R32 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 34) |
62 | .7-ZIP | 7z Compressed Archive |
63 | .SEG1 | StuffIt Segment |
64 | .008 | Compressed Format From A Multi-volume Archive (part 8) |
65 | .7Z.004 | Split Multi-volume 7-ZIP Compressed Format Archive (part 4) |
66 | .R10 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 12) |
67 | .R47 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 49) |
68 | .R11 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 13) |
69 | .006 | Compressed Format From A Multi-volume Archive (part 6) |
70 | .R34 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 36) |
71 | .C03 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed Format Archive |
72 | .7Z.003 | Split Multi-volume 7-ZIP Compressed Format Archive (part 3) |
73 | .TAR-Z | TAR Compressed Archive |
74 | .003 | Compressed Format From A Multi-volume Archive (part 3) |
75 | .R06 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 8) |
76 | .TAR.Z | Tar.Z Compressed Archive |
77 | .R33 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 35) |
78 | .C04 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed Format Archive |
79 | .007 | Compressed Format From A Multi-volume Archive (part 7) |
80 | .009 | Compressed Format From A Multi-volume Archive (part 9) |
81 | .004 | Compressed Format From A Multi-volume Archive (part 4) |
82 | .R05 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 7) |
83 | .010 | Compressed Format From A Multi-volume Archive (part 10) |
84 | .088 | Compressed Archive |
85 | .R04 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 6) |
86 | .PART1.RAR | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 1) |
87 | .R08 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 10) |
88 | .005 | Compressed Format From A Multi-volume Archive (part 5) |
89 | .7ZIP | 7-Zip 7z Compressed Archive |
90 | .ZOM | Zoom Compressed Amiga Format Archive |
91 | .R09 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 11) |
92 | .R07 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 9) |
93 | .R31 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 33) |
94 | .R41 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed Format Archive (part 43) |
95 | .Z05 | Split Multi-volume ZIP Compressed Format Archive (part 6) |
The Unarchiver Download
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