Adobe Photoshop Überblick

Adobe Photoshop Beschreibung
Adobe Photoshop ist eine von Adobe Systems Incorporated erstellte Software, die mit Cross-platform kompatibel ist. Verschiedene Dateiformate werden von Adobe Photoshop unterstützt. Es bietet viele nützliche Funktionen und eine einfach zu bedienende Oberfläche, die Ihnen ein effizientes Arbeiten ermöglicht. Updates und Korrekturen werden ständig vom Adobe Systems Incorporated bereitgestellt, der daran arbeitet, das Adobe Photoshop zu verbessern. Dank ständiger Korrekturen und Aktualisierungen behält Adobe Photoshop eine hohe Qualität und Stabilität des Betriebs bei. Benutzer können den verfügbaren technischen Support nutzen, der eine schnelle Lösung für alle Fragen oder Probleme in Bezug auf Adobe Photoshop ermöglicht.
Adobe Photoshop ermöglicht Ihnen, mit verschiedenen Dateitypen umzugehen. Die Anzahl der von Adobe Photoshop unterstützten Dateiformate beträgt 226. Dateien, die von Adobe Photoshop unterstützt werden, sind Dateien, die Anwendungsausgaben, Eingabedateien, Einstellungsdateien oder Datendateien enthalten.
Dateiendungen, die von Adobe Photoshop unterstützt werden:
# | Endung | Beschreibung |
1 | .ABR | Adobe Photoshop Brushes Format |
2 | .ACB | Adobe Photoshop Color Book Format |
3 | .ACO | Adobe Photoshop Color Swatch Format |
4 | .ACV | Photoshop Curves Format |
5 | .ADO | Adobe Photoshop Duotone Options Format |
6 | .AFX | Auto F/X Image Format |
7 | .AHS | Adobe Halftone Screen Format |
8 | .AHU | Adobe Photoshop HSL Format |
9 | .AI | Adobe Illustrator Graphics Format |
10 | .ALV | Adobe Photoshop Levels Format |
11 | .AMP | Adobe Photoshop Curves Map Format |
12 | .AMS | Adobe Monitor Setup Format |
13 | .ARW | Sony Digital Camera Image |
14 | .ASL | Photoshop Style |
15 | .ASR | ActionScript Remote Document |
16 | .AST | Adobe Color Separations Table |
17 | .ASV | Adobe Photoshop Selective Color Format |
18 | .ATN | Photoshop Actions Format |
19 | .AXT | Adobe Photoshop Extract Format |
20 | .BLW | Adobe Photoshop Black And White Presets Format |
21 | .BM2 | Subspace Bitmap Format |
22 | .BMP | Bitmap Image Format |
23 | .CALS | CALS Raster Graphic Format |
24 | .CIN | Kodak Cineon Bitmap Format |
25 | .COLZ | Adobe Collage Format |
26 | .CR2 | Canon Raw Image Format |
27 | .CRW | Canon Raw CIFF Image Format |
28 | .CSF | Content Sealed Format |
29 | .CSH | Photoshop Custom Shapes Format |
30 | .DAE | Digital Asset Exchange Format |
31 | .DC2 | Kodak DC25 Digital Camera Format |
32 | .DCM | DICOM Image |
33 | .DCP | Adobe DNG Camera Profile |
34 | .DCPR | Adobe DNG Camera Profile Recipe Format |
35 | .DCR | Kodak RAW Image Format |
36 | .DCS | Desktop Color Separation Format |
37 | .DDS | DirectDraw Surface |
38 | .DIB | Device Independent Bitmap Format |
39 | .DICOM | DICOM Image Format |
40 | .DNG | Digital Negative Image Format |
41 | .DPX | Digital Picture Exchange Format |
42 | .EAP | Adobe Photoshop Exposure Format |
43 | .EMZ | Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile |
44 | .EPF | EPSF Encapsulated Postscript Image Format |
45 | .EPR | Photoshop AME Preset Format |
46 | .EPS | Encapsulated PostScript Format |
47 | .EPSF | Encapsulated PostScript Format |
48 | .ERF | Epson Camera RAW Format |
49 | .EXIF | Exchangeable Image Information Format |
50 | .EXR | OpenEXR Image |
51 | .EXV | Adobe Extension Script |
52 | .FIF | Fractal Image Format |
53 | .FL3 | Flash 3D Format |
54 | .GIF | Graphical Interchange Format |
55 | .GRD | Photoshop Gradient Format |
56 | .HDP | HD Photo Format |
57 | .HDR | High Dynamic Range Image Format |
58 | .HDT | Photoshop HDR Toning Preset Format |
59 | .ICB | Targa ICB Bitmap Image |
60 | .ICC | ICC Profile |
61 | .ICM | Image Color Matching Profile |
62 | .ICO | Icon Format |
63 | .ICON | Icon Image Format |
64 | .IROS | Adobe Save For Web Settings Format |
65 | .IRS | Adobe Save For Web Settings |
66 | .J2C | JPEG 2000 Code Stream |
67 | .J2K | JPEG 2000 Image |
68 | .JFI | JPEG Format Interchange Image |
69 | .JIF | JPEG Image Format |
70 | .JIFF | JPEG Image Format |
71 | .JP2 | JPEG 2000 Core Image Format |
72 | .JPC | JPEG 2000 Code Stream Format |
73 | .JPE | JPEG Image |
74 | .JPEG | JPEG Image |
75 | .JPF | JPEG 2000 Image |
76 | .JPG | JPEG Image |
77 | .JPX | JPEG 2000 Image Format |
78 | .JXR | JPEG XR Image |
79 | .KDI | KD Player Skin Image Format |
80 | .KMZ | Google Earth Placemark Format |
81 | .KODAK | Kodak Photo CD Format |
82 | .KYS | Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Format |
83 | .LEX | Adobe Linguistic Library Data Format |
84 | .MOS | Leaf Camera RAW Format |
85 | .MPO | Multi Picture Object Format |
86 | .MRW | Minolta Raw Image Format |
87 | .MTL | OBJ Material Format |
88 | .MXP | Adobe Extension Package |
89 | .NCR | NCR Image |
90 | .NEF | Nikon Electronic Format RAW Image |
91 | .OBJ | Wavefront 3D Object Format |
92 | .ORF | Olympus RAW Format |
93 | .P3E | Photoshop Repousse Settings Format |
94 | .P3L | Adobe Photoshop Light Preset Format |
95 | .P3M | Adobe Photoshop Material Preset Format |
96 | .P3R | Adobe Photoshop Render Settings Preset Format |
97 | .PAT | Pattern Format |
98 | .PBM | Portable Bitmap Image |
99 | .PCD | Kodak Photo CD Image Format |
100 | .PCG | Korg Instrument Bank Format |
101 | .PCT | Picture Format |
102 | .PCX | Paintbrush Bitmap Image Format |
103 | .PDD | Adobe PhotoDeluxe Image |
104 | Portable Document Format | |
105 | .PDP | Adobe Portable Document Format |
106 | .PEF | Pentax Electronic Format |
107 | .PFM | Printer Font Metrics Format |
108 | .PGM | Portable Gray Map Image |
109 | .PICT | Picture Format |
110 | .PJPEG | Progressive JPEG Image |
111 | .PLUGIN | Mac OS X Plug-in |
112 | .PMG | Adobe Photoshop Photomerge Panoramic Composition Format |
113 | .PNG | Portable Network Graphic |
114 | .PNM | Portable Any Map Image |
115 | .PPM | Portable Pixmap Image Format |
116 | .PRST | Adobe InDesign Printer Presets Format |
117 | .PS | PostScript Format |
118 | .PSB | Photoshop Large Document Format |
119 | .PSD | Adobe Photoshop Document |
120 | .PSDX | Photoshop Touch Document |
121 | .PSF | Photoshop Proof Settings Format |
122 | .PSID | PostScript Image Data Format |
123 | .PVR | POWERVR Texture Format |
124 | .PXR | Pixar Image Format |
125 | .Q1Q | LunarCell Photoshop Plug-in |
126 | .Q2Q | Flexify Photoshop Plug-in |
127 | .Q4Q | Solar Cell Photoshop Plug-in |
128 | .Q5R | Melancholytron Photoshop Plug-in |
129 | .Q7Q | India Ink Photoshop Plug-in |
130 | .Q8R | Flood Photoshop Plug-in |
131 | .Q9R | Glitterato Photoshop Plug-In |
132 | .Q9S | Mr. Contrast Photoshop Plug-In |
133 | .RAF | Fuji RAW Image Format |
134 | .RAW | Raw Image Data Format |
135 | .RLE | Run Length Encoded Bitmap |
136 | .RW2 | Panasonic RAW Image |
137 | .RWL | Leica RAW Image |
138 | .SA9 | Hue And Cry Photoshop Plug-in |
139 | .SCT | Scitex Continuous Tone Format |
140 | .SHC | Adobe Photoshop Contours Format |
141 | .SHH | Adobe Photoshop Shadow/Highlight Settings Format |
142 | .SPIFF | Still Picture Interchange Format |
143 | .SR2 | Sony RAW Image |
144 | .SRF | Sony RAW Image |
145 | .TB0 | Adobe Photoshop Thumbnail Cache Format |
146 | .TGA | Targa Graphic |
147 | .TIF | Tagged Image Format |
148 | .TIFF | Tagged Image Format |
149 | .U3D | Universal 3D Format |
150 | .VDA | Targa Bitmap Image Format |
151 | .VPE | Photoshop Vanishing Point Export Format |
152 | .VPH | VirtualPhotographer Custom Settings |
153 | .WBM | Wireless Bitmap Image Format |
154 | .WBMP | Wireless Bitmap Image Format |
155 | .WDP | Windows Media HD Photo |
156 | .WEBP | WebP Image |
157 | .WMP | Windows Media Photo Format |
158 | .X3F | SIGMA X3F Camera RAW Format |
159 | .XMP | Extensible Metadata Platform Format |
160 | .ZVT | Photoshop Zoomify Preset Format |
161 | .8BA | Photoshop Plug-in |
162 | .8BC | Photoshop 5.0 Plug-in |
163 | .8BE | Adobe Plug-in Filter Format |
164 | .8BF | Filter Factory Image Filter |
165 | .8BI | Photoshop Plug-in |
166 | .8BI8 | Photoshop Plug-in |
167 | .8BL | Photoshop Plug-in |
168 | .8BS | Photoshop 5.0 Selection Plug-in |
169 | .8BX | PhotoDeluxe Plug-in |
170 | .8BY | PhotoDeluxe Plug-in |
171 | .8LI | Photoshop Scripting Plug-in |
172 | .8PBS | Adobe Photoshop Macintosh Format |
173 | .EPSP | Adobe Encapsulated PostScript |
174 | .8BCO | Adobe Photoshop For Mac Color Table |
175 | .8BXM | Adobe Photoshop For Mac Extension |
176 | .8BPF | Adobe Photoshop For Mac Preference |
177 | .SDPX | Kodak Cineon Image Format |
178 | ._V | Adobe Type Manager Japanese Font Metrics |
179 | .8BYM | Adobe Photoshop |
180 | .STN= | Genuine Fractals STING |
181 | .EPSI | Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange Format |
182 | .8BPI | Adobe Photoshop Extension |
183 | .8BCT | Adobe Photoshop For Mac Palette |
184 | .EPS2 | Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript |
185 | .ISA | Adobe Photoshop ImageReady Action |
186 | .DXT5 | S2TC Compressed Surface Format (texture) |
187 | .8BPS | Adobe Photoshop |
188 | .AI5 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic |
189 | .8LY | Adobe Photoshop Plugin |
190 | .PMB | Polar Uplink Tool Bitmap |
191 | .SWB | Adobe Photoshop |
192 | .8BDT | Adobe Photoshop For Mac Duotone |
193 | .8BFK | Adobe Photoshop For Mac Commands And Plugins |
194 | .GBT | Adobe Photoshop Format |
195 | .PIMX | Adobe Photoshop |
196 | .8TY | Adobe Photoshop |
197 | .PIPL | Adobe Photoshop SDK Samplecode Colorpicker |
198 | .PAM | Portable Arbitrary Map |
199 | .RFR | Adobe Photoshop Frame Filter |
200 | .LMBS | Adobe Photoshop For Mac Filter |
201 | .8BP | Adobe PhotoShop Import |
202 | .DICM | Medicine Image |
203 | .FIDO | Kodak Cineon Image Format |
204 | .EPS3 | Encapsulated PostScript Level 3 |
205 | .DRX | Adobe Photoshop Tutorial |
206 | .TDI | Explore (TDI) & Maya Image Format (IFF Format) |
207 | .8BIM | Adobe Photoshop Related |
208 | .XYZE | Radiance Map |
209 | .RGBE | Radiance Map |
210 | .8BFM | Adobe Photoshop For Mac Filter |
211 | .AI8 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic Format |
212 | .8BEM | Adobe Photoshop Path |
213 | .AI3 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic Format |
214 | .8BBR | Adobe Photoshop Brushes |
215 | .AI6 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic |
216 | .8BAM | Adobe Photoshop For Mac Plugin |
217 | .AI4 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic |
218 | .AI7 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic |
219 | .FLM | Adobe Premiere Filmstrip |
220 | .LCPP | Adobe Lens Profile Creator Project Format |
221 | .GIF~C200 | Graphics Interchange Format |
222 | .PSDT | Adobe Photoshop CC Graphics Format |
223 | .DCS2 | Adobe Photoshop DCS 2.0 Document Format |
224 | .JPG-LARGE | Twitter JPEG Picture Format |
225 | .JPG-ORIGINAL | JPEG Picture Image Format |
226 | .PNG-LARGE | TweetDeck Png Image Format |
Adobe Photoshop Download
Der sicherste Ort zum Herunterladen von Software ist die offizielle Website des Herstellers Adobe Photoshop. Der Softwarehersteller ist eine zuverlässige Quelle, weil er sicherstellt, dass die Software aktuell, sicher und legal ist. Das Herunterladen von Software aus inoffiziellen Quellen ist gefährlich, da die Gefahr besteht, dass die Adobe Photoshop-Software beschädigt ist oder Malware enthält. Der sicherste Weg, Software herunterzuladen, ist von der Quelle des Herstellers.
Website des Herstellers